If you've found article then you're probably in the horrible situation whereby you can't open your Adobe AE project file. Read on and hopefully it'll help!
The problem:
When you click on an AE project file it starts to load and then gets stuck loading at about 56%/some random number and then crashes the program.... Nightmare! If you can't open your AE project file then hopefully this article will help.
My solution:
Check you have the latest version of AE. If you have been using linked files from Adobe Illustrator or Premier Pro one of these apps may have updated and it may be creating a negative loop that won't let you open it.
Check your autosaves. In this case all of my autosaves were having the same issue. If this is the case then it's highly unlikely that it is a corrupted file as it'd be very unlucky to have all your autosaves corrupt at the same time.
Open up a new Project in AE. Find your AE file and then try to open it up within the project.
When you open up AE turn the CAPS LOCK on, this stops rogue plugins from loading on startup.
Clear the media cache on AE.
Edit > Preferences > Media Cache > Empty disk cache
Rename the AE file with a random letter at the end of it.
If all else fails move all of the source files to a new location to break the link. Hopefully AE will then load everything and then you just have to relink the files.
I hope this worked for you! Let me know if you have any other tips and always remember to backup your files!
I'm still having issues. My file size is nearly 400mb and it still doesn't load, stop around 63%
When I check activity monitor, the RAM is not getting used up.